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Janet Auma Story

Janet is now 24 years old and a mother of 2 children aged 9 and 4 years. Janet is a victim of teenage pregnancy since she first became a mother at age 15 while in form 2. Instead of going back to school after child birth, she was married off to a man 15 years older than her.

Janet became a victim of GBV but whenever she sought refuge in her parents’ home, she was always told to go back to her marriage because it was a shame for a woman to leave her marriage.

Last year, Janet’s husband beat her up so badly and told her that he did not want to see her first child in his home because he was not the father. Janet fled to her parent’s home with the child but this time, the man was not done with her. The next evening, he went and hid near Janet’s parents’ home with a well sharpened machete. He patiently waited for Janet until he eventually saw her going to pick vegetables from her mother’s garden. He quickly jumped from his hiding place and attacked her chopping off her hands as Janet protected her neck which he was targeting. On the same night Janet was attacked, a 21 year old woman was murdered by her husband from the neighboring village.

REEP reacted by holding peaceful demonstrations and inviting the local administration and other leaders to express our disgust and challenge GBV which has been normalized in Busia. Other victims maimed by GBV were also present. Later Janet was given a hospital bill of ksh 46,360 but once again REEP challenged this bill by engaging the deputy governor Busia County until the bill was waived. Through REEP, Janet’s story went viral and was highlighted by main stream media.

Her husband is still at large and REEP strongly feels that the police are not doing enough.

Janet was a hair dresser unfortunately she is now maimed and cannot practice her craft any more. There is need to empower her to become financially independent and to be able to support her children that she is now living within her parent’s home.

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